Tag: Self Care
Why a Gratitude Practice Can Be a Powerful Aid in Self Care
Gratitude, genuine care, love, appreciation and compassion, all heart based feelings, create coherent heart rhythms which have a profound effect on the health of our minds and bodies. It is easy in busy or very stressful times to put off caring for ourselves. A gratitude practice is simple and can be easily integrated into our…
A Brief Practice for Releasing Stress
We can learn to adopt a state of mind that automatically releases stress.
How Do Surrender and Acceptance Promote Health and Well Being?
In addition to ramping up the heart’s capacity for good feeling, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" class="zemanta-img"] Anahata
10 Self Care Options to Stress-Less
Self care can include many different things, internal and external. Those things we do to address our internal world often can bring more lasting results to living with more peace, joy and happiness than external approaches. What if you were to hold the intention to mindfully enjoy this day to the fullest? Yawn! Yawning helps…
The Heart Chakra: Change, Compassion, Letting Go and Forgiveness
Change impacts the heart as it registers loss, grief and unwanted adjustments. To having a truly open and loving heart requires objective exploration, release and healing of the core wounds and pains stored in the energetic layers of the heart. Moving toward unconditional love and true compassion (is not what you think—but that is a…