Change impacts the heart as it registers loss, grief and unwanted adjustments.
To having a truly open and loving heart requires objective exploration, release and healing of the core wounds and pains stored in the energetic layers of the heart. Moving toward unconditional love and true compassion requires forgiving ourselves and others.
An open heart is capable of experiencing connection with all of life in addition to a deep sense of personal power, security, confidence and trust.
The chart below gives clues as to the issues and condition of the heart chakra.
Psychological Spheres of Influence
Emotional perception love, compassion, tenderness, despair,
hate, envy, Balance giving/receiving; Peace, self-acceptance
Place where soul accessed
Fears: Loneliness, commitment; The inability to protect self; Emotional weakness, betrayal
Strengths: Love, forgiveness, compassion, dedication, hope, trust, ability to heal- self & other
Common Signs of Malfunction
High blood pressure, heart or lung disease, asthma
Excessive Energy: Caretaking, co-dependent; Demanding; over-critical; Possessive, Moody, depressed
Deficient Energy: Isolation, poor self-esteem, melancholy; Poor immune function; Emotions distorted/numbed; Constant need for reassurance
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