Living Energy€¦.we are€¦.all the time. We are infused with energy and it keeps us alive, moving, thinking, feeling but we also organize it into patterns that swirl around us, impact others and communicate with larger energies of the cosmos. We are largely unaware of this aspect of our being, all the more strange since it is such a fundamental part of everything about us!
Most have not been educated about the importance or ramifications of energy. Up until this point in history it was only the elite, the medicine people, kings or holy ones who were given access to this knowledge. With the advent of particle physics we now have a scientific explanation for what has been relegated to the spiritual, metaphysical or healing arts for centuries. Few would argue that our world and its inhabitants are much in need of new methods, approaches and tools to bring wholeness to ourselves and the planet.
An energetic approach is one that gives us just that. But how does one begin?
With a little background and some commonsense suggestions that are easily worked into your life as you go about business as usual.
What we send out returns to visit us but it is often camouflaged in such a way as to be unrecognizable with anything can identify. And hence the sense that we are victims of a random universe set up to operate with rules we do not understand with dynamics that puzzle and mystify us. Then the story telling begins as we seek to find understanding in an attempt to regain a sense of power, a feeling that we are in charge. Unfortunately many of the stories we tell ourselves are not useful or helpful ones. If we look through too narrow a lens or too €˜dark a glass’, what we see is filtered through a veil of fear, punishment, guilt or shame. Then our understanding becomes tainted and we are led off track into directions that do not open us to living more fully, completely or lovingly.
It is reported by those that study quantum physics that the universe is curved and what you send out is what will return in a boomerang type effect. Also included more recent science of €˜how things work’ is the concept of strange attractor theory and like attracting like. So it seems that our lives are a lot more governed by an impersonal energetic system that simply gives us feedback regarding how we are managing energy and not some deep dark karmic system of crime and punishment.
It turns out that we are the meaning makers and our interpretations color strongly how we will experience our lives. Consider how primitive peoples assign meaning to photographs, airplanes and people who are more advanced than they in ability to reason, process, and express ideas. “The Man Who Would Be King” is an excellent movie that depicts this quite well. So it is to our utmost benefit to understand and develop ourselves as well as our capacities for seeing clearly our place and interactions with universal energies.
There is of course the danger, since we can believe anything we want, of inventing grand stories that place us in a brilliant light, always right, knowing the highest knowledge, the deepest secrets, being privy to messages from on high. All of that is the province of the ego and its needs. To begin you can look at patterns, recognize themes and ask the right questions of yourself.
Understanding how energy operates in your life, becoming your own detective helps you to live more freely with not only more options for healing and health but also for responding to life and creating ease and flow rather than struggle and resistance.
Becoming Your Own Detective
Becoming your own detective means bringing an inquisitive mind to the events and processes of your life. Approaching life this way holds a deeper promise. A promise that contains the means for a way to develop Self Mastery, to embrace a life view that allows for a broader definition of who you are, to embody your personal power and to open to higher possibilities for your self.
It begins with a willingness to learn to observe oneself. This may be difficult at first if you are overly identified with your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. A meditation practice is particularly helpful to make a distinction between mental, emotional and physical energies. Aside from that you can simply notice how you describe your experience€¦the words and phrase you use to express how you feel. The programs that are a part of Living Energy Works all focus on a particular aspect of this process. You can take a look at the variety of programs that we offer here: http://bit.ly/14jcOmP
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