Tag: spirituality
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety in times of Uncertainty
The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that shifts our default patterns, was a doorway to freedom for me.
A Brief Practice for Releasing Stress
We can learn to adopt a state of mind that automatically releases stress.
Is It Possible to Navigate Change with Ease? What Tools Can Help?
Being aware of what is showing up in our lives, noticing the subtle clues and patterns not only helps to bring clarity but also helps us to be aware of our deep connectivity to life and the universe. [caption id="attachment_11000" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Do Surrender and Acceptance Promote Health and Well Being?
In addition to ramping up the heart’s capacity for good feeling, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" class="zemanta-img"] Anahata
The Heart Chakra: Change, Compassion, Letting Go and Forgiveness
Change impacts the heart as it registers loss, grief and unwanted adjustments. To having a truly open and loving heart requires objective exploration, release and healing of the core wounds and pains stored in the energetic layers of the heart. Moving toward unconditional love and true compassion (is not what you think—but that is a…
Can the Right Question Help to Improve Emotional Intelligence?
How we inquire about our feelings and inherent qualities may make the difference to the type of information we receive.