Tag: emotion
Energy and Consciousness:10 Essentials for Learning and Management
We are constantly taking in energy in a variety of ways: through our food, water, air and sunlight. We are also capable of taking in energy through other means: the chakras and other energy points scattered throughout the body.
Energy Vampires: What You Need to Know
How does understanding and consciously managing your energy empowers you from the inside out?
How to Bring Inner Peace to Your Overstimulated Mind
Inner peace requires new learning. We cannot simply wish for a quieter mind. We must recondition its natural tendencies to open to our higher mind where true freedom, peace and happiness live! The mind is a great servant but a terrible master to paraphrase Robin Sharma. Our minds are always working. The busy part of…
Subtle Resistance Release: 3 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Energy
Subtle Resistance release …continued from previous post of 10-3-16 Subtle Resistance Release and Everyday Energy Disruptions The research mentioned in the previous post re: mind-body and energy reactivity led me to looking at what impedes the flow of energy through our systems. The nature of the meridians and chakras–their anatomy and physiology–demonstrates quite clearly how…
Positive Energy: It’s More than a Thought
We all want positive energy and preferably ALL the time! However we are human and have all kinds of feelings and experiences. This is normal and even advantageous. E.G. If you saw a truck barreling down on you, feeling fear would be appropriate and life saving in that it gave you the energy to get…
6 Stress Management Tips to Really Boost Your Energy
These 6 Stress Management Tips can help ease the adjustment of the back to school rush and shift out of summer mode into Fall routines. September often feels like another New Year! Whether it is the back to school rush or the shift to new routines, we can all use some reminders about how to…