Category: Self Care
Why is Balance Important for Your Heart Chakra ?
Location, Development and Imbalances of the Heart Chakra The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest at the site of the Pulmonary & Cardiac Nerve Plexus. The simplest way to locate your heart center is to become aware of the breastbone and then imagine a circle 4-5 inches in diameter in that…
Why a Gratitude Practice Can Be a Powerful Aid in Self Care
Gratitude, genuine care, love, appreciation and compassion, all heart based feelings, create coherent heart rhythms which have a profound effect on the health of our minds and bodies. It is easy in busy or very stressful times to put off caring for ourselves. A gratitude practice is simple and can be easily integrated into our…
Balancing Energy During Stress Filled Times
Acute and Chronic Stress Triggers Fight-FlightWhen we are stressed or threatened, our flow of energy is increased to prepare for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results in living with an energetic…
Is It Possible to Navigate Change with Ease? What Tools Can Help?
Being aware of what is showing up in our lives, noticing the subtle clues and patterns not only helps to bring clarity but also helps us to be aware of our deep connectivity to life and the universe. [caption id="attachment_11000" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
How Do Surrender and Acceptance Promote Health and Well Being?
In addition to ramping up the heart’s capacity for good feeling, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" class="zemanta-img"] Anahata