Category: energy
The Miracle of Belief
[singlepic id=30 w=320 h=240 float=none] The picture in this post is of the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, NM. I was there a year ago and was quite fascinated with the legend that is told about the creation of this staircase. You can read it here: It turns out that at least part of…
Living Energy: Notice the Patterns
One of the aspects of energy that fascinates me is how our individual and collective energy patterns are mirrored in our space and visa versa.
What Do You Believe?
[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=none] What if some of the beliefs about yourself and how the world worked were not true or accurate? Most of us are aware of only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what beliefs are driving us. Of course the good ones are not really of any concern except…
Giving Back Enhances Energy for All
Recently I spent a week with my “sister from another mother” and her husband in Florida. My friends live in a very privileged community and have been there for 25 years. I have long known my friend’s generosity and service orientation —she is after all a retired therapist/social worker! But I was unaware of the…
Our Ever-Expanding Universe: Limitless Possibility!
It’s official, we live in an ever-expanding universe! First reported in 1998, the discovery earned three scientists the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics. Half of the prize was awarded to Saul Perlmutter, from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley. The other half was awarded to Brian P. Schmidt of Australian National…
Love Conquers All?
Is it true that Love conquers all? Maybe not in the context of our usual understanding, but research such as that being done at the Institute of HeartMath ( is clearly showing that feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude have demonstrable effects on our physiology, relationships and well being.