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What if some of the beliefs about yourself and how the world worked were not true or accurate?
Most of us are aware of only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what beliefs are driving us. Of course the good ones are not really of any concern except to notice, strengthen them and applaud ourselves for having developed some wonderful ways of being in the world. And we should do this as often as possible!! Building on the positive is always a good idea.
The beliefs that are a problem are those that were formed at a young age before we had discrimination or all the necessary information; those that took root during times of trauma or duress; and of course the old outmoded ones that were handed us by well meaning adults but that no longer are really useful for our current place in life.
So, what are some of these beliefs?
I am incapable.
I am undeserving.
I am unintelligent and stupid.
I am unlovable.
I am not likeable.
I am inferior.
I am not respected.
I am weak.
I am unsafe.
I am not successful.
I am unworthy, inadequate.
Life is a struggle.
I must work hard in order to be successful.
And the list goes on and on!¦
These are core beliefs as opposed to beliefs that are specific to a particular situation (such as: I will never get another job; I am not good at sports; I can’t create an adequate income). These beliefs can point to the deeper beliefs we hold. Core beliefs run very deep. They build up over time (and lifetimes!) and they are imprinted throughout our physical, mental, emotional and etheric energy fields. They run so deep that we often don’t even recognize them. We don’t even think about them. We live them as truths. They become our truth because we are in alignment with them. We feed and energize them. Thus they are reflected back to us everyday. They take a bit more effort to erase but it is worth the effort when you consider what an impact they can have on your life, health and relationships.This is also a part of this process that must be faced but it ultimately allows for a wider embrace of our true and whole selves.
A big obstacle to shifting our beliefs is our fear over what it would mean….what we fear would change if we inspected our beliefs.
Taking some time to explore your beliefs about yourself and how you believe the world works take some time and effort but in the long run frees you up energetically, mentally and emotionally. It is a major way that you can bring your self into the present with all your energy available to live more intentionally and in alignment with your goals and desires.
Related articles
- Examples of Negative Core Beliefs – Growing Aware (the-inside-out-project.com)
- “The Influence of Beliefs on Motivation to Learn” (Topic 3) (mmselsectionc.wordpress.com)
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