[singlepic id=94 w=320 h=240 float=left]Is it true that Love conquers all? Maybe not in the context of our usual understanding, but research such as that being done at the Institute of HeartMath (www.heartmath.org) is clearly showing that feelings of love, appreciation and gratitude have demonstrable effects on our physiology, relationships and well being.
I have been using their biofeedback system in my practice and with myself for years and find it to be a very pleasant and effective practice. One of the things I particularly like about it is that once learned it can really be done anywhere unlike some other techniques. It CAN be used as a form of meditation, but is also very helpful as a method to be used as you go through your day to keep stress at bay and build strong, healthy energy.
Here is a great article on HeartMath from The Daily Good ( a bit long but very informative and helpful): http://www.dailygood.org/more.php?n=4609
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