aura energy

How is Aura Energy Affected by Your Inner and Outer Environment?

Aura Energy Determines Physical. Emotional and Mental Well Being
The state of our energy has a lot to do with our health, how we feel and experience our lives. When our energy is strong, free flowing and of optimal frequency we feel wonderful, resilient with an ability to manage our lives from a position of strength, ease and happiness.

There are many things in our daily lives that can weaken, deplete or mis-align our energy. Stress, extremes of temperature, conflict, time pressures, financial stress, the news, artificial light, dissonant, loud or harsh sounds, wi-fi, computers, and junk food are some examples.

Aura Energy and Inner Healing
In addition, stress, blocked negative emotions, unhealed emotional trauma, negative thinking, worry, fear, and toxic interactions with others also unbalance our fields. Examples of the latter are: people and situations that do not honor who you are, respect you, or contribute to your well being. Remember the questions in the previous post regarding how we experience energy? There was a question about being been around someone who feels wonderful as a result of your interaction, but you feel exhausted, stressed or out of sorts. Being aware of your own energy and caring for yourself from that perspective helps you to eliminate the effects of stress on you.

Aura Energy and Self Knowledge and Self Expression
Another fairly typical situation we all experience is when we find ourselves doing something we really did not want to do, that was not in accord with who you are or where you wanted to be. Have you ever gone along with someone or something and felt a sense of inner tension because you didn’t want to participate or you didn’t believe in what you were doing? We all have at one time or another. But when we begin to understand that these types of situations weaken the field, perhaps it becomes easier to choose more wisely, on our own behalf or at least self correct after the event. A weakened auric field leaks energy. That is not healthy for us and ultimately not good for the others involved either.

A Simple Way to Begin to Enhance Awareness of Aura Energy
Begin to observe your day and see where and how you can include more energy awareness and strengthening activities and reduce energy drainers. Keep a small notebook with you to jot down reminders, notes and ideas to implement when possible. Commit to changing one thing a day to bring your ideas from the realm of thought or intention into reality!