letting go

Why Healing Requires Letting Go

Healing and Unprocessed Feelings
The title of this program, Letting go, the Heart of Healing refers to the fact that until we let go of old roles, programs and unprocessed emotions from our inner hard drives healing cannot really happen and nothing new can take root within to become a source of strength, power and freedom for our lives.

 Healing and Release of Unconscious Patterns
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to change, or why you seem compelled to repeat behaviors that are not in your best interests or confused about why you feel what you do?

Our entire life experience along with patterns of thought and feeling are recorded within us by way of our energetic, nervous and hormonal systems.

Much of this inner conditioning has been laid down without our conscious awareness. A common belief is that once an event has passed it no longer affects us… but it DOES in fact if we have not fully processed or completed the emotions associated with the experience.

We may have been too young, overwhelmed or just plain unaware of the importance of processing our experience at the time an event was occurring. Our body-minds do not forget or let go until we have dealt with the results of our experience …so our unfinished business lives on as bundles of thought, feeling, belief and reaction that unconsciously drive our lives.

Turning Concepts into Reality
We have all heard about letting go, surrendering, forgiving and moving on and we all want to! However we typically don’t have the necessary hardwiring to turn those concepts into reality. Mentally understanding something is very different from being able to erase the inner effects of our life stories on our inner landscape.

  Our normal human tendency is to hold on, hold in and hold up –soldiering on. This is understandable and natural from a survival standpoint, but it gets in our way when we wish to do more than just survive!

We need to develop inner pathways that allow us to really let go, surrender and forgive to reset our nervous systems and be able to free up our energy so it can flow to the creation of lives of choice rather than reactivity.

Mind-Body Practices Ease Real Change
We don’t come with a factory installed program for letting go at a deep inner level. The concept of letting go may be in our minds, but unless we move the concept to an inner felt sense we have not created a mind-body bridge for new information to travel over—a bridge that can grant us the freedom we so desperately crave from the shackles that bind us to our past.