Did you know that happiness is a physiological state as well as state of mind?
Did you also know that the condition of your energy —-its quantity, quality and flow has a lot to do with how happy you feel?
Heart and Brain research is showing us a lot about the underpinnings of what we experience within when we are happy. Even better news from this research is that we can create that state (happiness) through the choices in our daily lives. A huge influence is how we use our mind and influence our energy!
When we expand our energy and do what builds it we feel good AND strengthen important aspects of our health and well-being. When we contract our energy we feel bad. On one level it is that simple.
There are many ways to influence our energy. Our diet, the environments we inhabit, the people we spend time with, and our interactions with life itself all influence the state of our energy. All of these things in turn can affect our thoughts and the feelings which in turn affect energy in a feedback loop.
Our habitual thoughts and feelings are often a product of past experience and belief patterns that have taken root within us long before we had any real awareness about this process. These are at least as powerful an influence on the state of our energy as the aforementioned list….and probably more so given the amount of time we spend immersed in our thoughts and feelings! So, it is important to be aware and address what we think, believe and feel if we are truly committed to creating the positive in our lives.
An easy way to focus on building healthy strong energy that helps you to feel happier is simply to notice what expands or contracts your energy. Which thoughts make you feel good and which ones bring you down. Make a commitment to yourself to choose to shift your thought patterns once you notice that you are drifting down old familiar paths that weaken your energy. No blame or judgment–we all do it—it is simply a matter of deciding to shift your direction to choices that bring you toward mastery and away from the place where you feel buffeted about by life and at the mercy of outer circumstance.
To paraphrase Victor Frankel: no one can control or dictate how we use our minds. No one else but you gets to determine the inner emotional climate that you maintain. That is a fundamental freedom that no one can tamper with!
The first step to being able to effectively work with your thoughts and feelings is to be present and deeply connected with your body. A second step is to have the capacity to release tension where it lives. These are not inborn abilities; we must engage our intention and have a means to do it!
Relaxation 101 is specifically designed to help you develop the capacity to relax your body and quiet your mind in order to create more coherence, flow and strength in your energy system. More information here: http://bit.ly/1xoQvuJ
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