Tag: Perception
Are Your Chakras Blocked?
This article discusses the various ways chakras become damaged. [caption id="attachment_13241" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Deep Relaxation Releases Stress and Promotes Mind-Body Health
Relaxation 101 helps you to release the physical, mental and emotional buildup of stress, develop greater focus and concentration and enter into more spacious feelings of ease no matter what the outer circumstances . We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to pay attention to the levels of stress…
How do you blend spirituality with humanity?
Guiding Principles for Blending Your Human and Spiritual Selves Modify these suggestions to fit your style and life. Effort at the start results in greater time efficiency later! 1. Learn to be aware of and manage your energy. 2. Create daily routines that support coherent energy and develop consciousness. 3. Bring the subconscious into the…
Letting Go: Key to Healing
Letting Go Clears the Way for Change The title of this program, Letting go, the Heart of Healing refers to the notion that until we let go of old roles, programs and unprocessed emotions from our inner hard drives healing cannot really happen and nothing new can really take root within and become a center…
How Does Letting Go Benefit Your Energy, Health and Success?
Letting Go and Coherence “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ― Ann Landers Coherence (clarity, ease and flow) of our energy field helps us to feel better,…
What is the Relationship of Subtle Energy, Resistance and Your Life?
Years ago when I first heard the phrase, Resist Nothing, it made sense to me on a level where I could use it to consciously release tension but at that time I really did not understand the relationship between resistance and our subtle energy, how it flows through us and the world. [caption id=”attachment_13069″ align=”alignleft”…