Tag: Mental Health
How the Root Chakra helps to develop a greater sense of safety, security and belonging
Root Chakra Health Stabilizes Mind Function Our minds tend toward analyzing, planning, or preoccupation with a variety of concerns, worries, and stresses. When we are focused on these mental states our energy fields are affected. Habitual thoughts, positive or negative, create ripples throughout our being that have repercussions on an emotional and physical level. They…
Are You an Empath? The Gift in the Challenge
Have you been told you are too sensitive by family, friends, teachers, co-workers? This is often our experience when we are an empath, E.G. particularly sensitive to subtle energy. Being an empath is different from being empathic.
Self Care Tip for Letting Go of Judgement, Irritability and Anger
Self Care Skill #1: Broadening PerspectiveWe have all heard the idea that what irritates us in others is something that we embody. I suspect there is some truth in that , but my experience suggests that there’s a viewpoint that offers a broader perspective. For instance, if you encounter a bully the issue may not…
Tips for Staying Sane at Home
We are hardwired to to look out for danger. Our fight/flight/freeze reaction is meant to keep us safe, to protect us. However it can wreak havoc when uncertainty or confusion abounds. Being clear regarding what we can control and what we cannot helps to set the stage for applying appropriate coping skills. For those things…
Aura Imaging Bio Feedback, See What The Chakras Look Like
Over the last two weeks we have been posting about the aura, its qualities and responsiveness to external stimuli. This video shows the effect of multiple internal and external actors on the energy system.