Tag: Judgement
Self Care Tip for Letting Go of Judgement, Irritability and Anger
Self Care Skill #1: Broadening PerspectiveWe have all heard the idea that what irritates us in others is something that we embody. I suspect there is some truth in that , but my experience suggests that there’s a viewpoint that offers a broader perspective. For instance, if you encounter a bully the issue may not…
What do Judgement, Surrender and Acceptance Have to do With Energy?
Judgement, Surrender, Acceptance Point to Deep Aspects of Self Care Years ago my therapist spoke to me about “persistent kindness to the self”. At the time I understood the basic concept but REALLY did not grasp how it pertained to the deeper aspects of ourselves. As time went by it became apparent that to me…
Letting Go of Judgement
We judge ourselves, other people and situations daily. We pass everything through our own experiences and filters. We need to have an ability to know if something is good for us, dangerous, destructive and so forth. However, this is one of those normal human capabilities that has run amok. We say that things are good/bad,…
Judgement and Regret: Letting Go Builds Strength and Inner Peace
Regrets are a yearning type of energy €“ yearning for something that is not there or yearning for something that once was or will never be. Regrets are about the past
Reduce Stress:Ten Tips to Eliminate Your Inner Critic
Ten Tips for Reducing the Stressful Effects of Self Abuse