Tag: Breathing
Self-Care 101: An Inner Practice to Strengthen Your Core
A simple, easy practice to reduce stress and strengthen your core, the center of your personal power system. [caption id="attachment_14666" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Burnout Prevention: Identifying Unconscious Blocks to Self Care
Burnout Prevention, Self Care and Time You may think that you don’t have time to care for yourself while caring for others. The reality is we don’t have time not to since a lack of self care will always lead to a depletion of inner resources. Identify Patterns to Prevent Burnout A typical pattern when care…
Antidote to Overwhelm, Anger, Fear and Stress
When we are in times of increased stress, anger, overwhelm and powerlessness it is crucial to maintain, center and ground our energy.
Short Circuit Holiday Stress
The holiday season brings so many positive, happy and wonderful things, but as we all know there are also many opportunities for stress and the accompanying difficult emotions that can catch us off guard in spite of our best intentions. As with so many things in life we need to have an action plan!!