Tag: Awareness
What You Need to Know About Self Care and Stress
Prolonged stress leads to anger, depression and illness. Developing a personal approach to deep self care helps you to be in touch with who you are and what you need so you can remove the tap roots of stress and have the inner resources to navigate change and uncertainty with ease
Energy Drains and Energy Vampires: How to Know if You are Affected
Energy Drains and Vampires : Identifying the Sources People, places or events may all have a negative impact on your energy. We each need to be aware and responsible for our own self care. Health, happiness and safety are all an inside job. We cannot rely on others to be conscious or responsible for how…
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety in times of Uncertainty
The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that shifts our default patterns, was a doorway to freedom for me.
Understanding How to Deal withToxic Anger, Stress and Energy Improves Health
Faces and Responses of Anger Have you ever felt that red hot angry energy that builds up in you and creates the sense that you may explode at any moment? How about that seething inner burn that feels like it is frying your nerve endings? How do you know when anger is building in you?…