Self Care Solutions Based on Self Knowledge Are Best Remedy for Stress
Prolonged stress leads to anger, depression and illness as body systems are worn down over time.
Unfortunately in our world adaptation to stress has become so commonplace that it is often a major obstacle to the self awareness necessary for proper stress management.
It is easy to become so used to “the way things are’ that you believe you are not being affected by stress. This mind set is one that will allow stress to silently but steadily erode health over time.
What is deep self care and how can you begin to practice it?
An important first step to cushion yourself from the effects of stress is to pay attention to early warning signs such as: feelings of tension and overwhelm; a sense that there is too much to do in too short a time; feelings of overload. All of those states unfortunately are so widespread that they are often dismissed or accepted as par for the course. However, it is at this stage that there is a prime opportunity to change the way your body and mind will be affected by stress.
A helpful second step for good self care requires: (1) truly understanding yourself from the inside out and, (2) balancing the needs of all aspects of self…body, mind and spirit. Each aspect of ourselves has its own needs and responds differently to care.
Step three in healthy self care requires commitment to self. This commitment involves a promise to yourself to make time for discovery of stress triggers as well as for providing what is needed for health and healing. As you make time for this kind of attention to your needs you will be repaid with decreasing stress levels, enhanced self worth and esteem and growing stores of vitality.
Discovering stress triggers
Two effective methods of ferreting out the tap roots of stress are self observation and tuning into our inner conversation. Beneath our conscious thoughts there is another stream of “thought” (actually more feelings and beliefs VS thought) that is a running commentary on ourselves, others and life. This conversation more often than not veers toward the negative demeaning our self-image, worth, capacity or performance. This internal dialogue is one that left unchecked can relentlessly erode our energy and health!
Give yourself time on a regular basis to let the conscious mind quiet down so you may hear the deeper river of thought and feeling that moves through you. It is here that important self knowledge resides. Once you understand what is happening there, you can use approaches to release old worn out beliefs, erase negative thoughts and feelings and create fertile ground for inner ease and peace.
When we empty that inner closet of all the old conditioning we discover a deep well spring of energy that that naturally provides a foundation for self nourishment, health, contentment, joy and fulfillment.
It is in deep inner space that you come to really know your authentic self. As brilliant as your everyday mind is, it is your quieter inner self that holds the wisdom that will bring you to a rich, satisfying healthy way of being. In this quieter space questions can be asked that guide you toward your own strategic plan for inner world peace!
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