Many spiritual teachers have spoken about the evolution of our species as being poised on the threshold of becoming supra-sensory (beyond our 5 senses), developing greater intuition, communicating via our sixth sense and having a deeper, more personal and intimate experience of spirituality. This all occurs through our chakra/energy system as it is “upgraded” to be able to operate in new ways. We can purposefully help our process along in many ways but for now here are two tips for beginning to become more aware of subtle energy.
Developing Subtle Energy Competency
People often wonder how they can begin to attune more to their own energies as well as of those around them and in the environment. Here are two simple ways to begin to develop your innate capacity to sense energy.
1. To start, bring your attention inside, settle down for a moment and let yourself get quiet. Now bring your attention to the center of your palms, just feel them as they are … and then intend to soften and open the center. Imagine a dial that you can turn or a valve you can open … FEEL IT … then hold your hands up, facing each other, about 18 inches apart and slowly bring them toward each other … keep your attention on how they feel, not what you are thinking about what can or should happen … softly move your hands back and forth, first toward each other and then away … at some point you will begin to feel warmth, tingling, maybe coolness or a spongy feeling as the hands approach each other.
You are sensing the energy of one palm chakra with the energy of the other. If you keep moving your hands gently you WILL eventually feel this if you work hard at it, however, it will take longer.
Through linking your breath with your attention and intention, you can actually begin to feel a building of the energy in your hands.
2. Another simple way to begin to develop your subtle sensing capacity is to sit quietly and just let yourself experience the room or environment you are in, let thought go and just sense how you feel. It takes practice, but you will start to see the difference between how your mind THINKS about things and how you are sensing through the energy field.
Drop thought and just let yourself be aware of sensation. This is an exercise in allowing direct experience which is also a powerful ability to have in all of life. As we learn to just BE beyond the thought generating mind we can be more present to life. This is a foundation for being able to fully enjoy and express life, but it is also a necessity for truly letting go of all that blocks you from ease, peace, love, prosperity and harmony.
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