
Gratitude and Self Care: A Timely Practice

Practicing feeling gratitude opens the deepest doors of your heart creating coherence throughout your body-mind.

Self care is more important than ever now. We are living through a very traumatic time. We need to go easy and be gentle with ourselves.

You may find it is hard to focus or concentrate, sleep may be a problem, feeling out of control, having low energy, difficulty with moods, or you may be falling back on old habits as a means of coping. These are all common responses to stress or trauma. So it helps to bring a gentler attitude toward oneself. Treat yourself with kindness and greater care during this time.

Bringing Kindness and Compassion to YOU
Activating genuine heart-based feelings of care, love, gratitude, appreciation and compassion creates coherent heart rhythms, and stimulates healthy neural, hormonal, biochemical, and energetic flow to all organs.

In addition, brain function improves, production of stress hormones decreases, anti-aging factors increase, immunity is enhanced and well being is experienced all the way down to the cellular level! It’s up to you; you can trigger all these effects at will! What’s not to love about that?