
Deep Relaxation Releases Stress and Promotes Mind-Body Health

Relaxation 101 helps you to release the physical, mental and emotional buildup of stress, develop greater focus and concentration and enter into more spacious feelings of ease no matter what the outer circumstances .

We are living in a time when it is more important than ever to pay attention to the levels of stress we are under and to have ways to reduce or eliminate the accumulated effects. Our hobbies or interests can provide distraction and a welcome respite from stress but they do not have an effect on our physical, mental and emotional inner workings. For that we need effective methods that address how our minds and bodies truly work.

Relaxation, energy and environment
We are constantly taking energy in from the environment. The shape and flow that this energy takes within our systems is strongly influenced by our inner state—that is our deeply held conditioned thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.  By becoming more conscious of the current state of our energy and then through purposefully influencing it, we strongly enhance our personal power and ability to create and respond to life positively.

Sensing subtle energy leads to stress release
The process of learning to sense and influence subtle energy begins with entering a deep state of relaxation.

Relaxation of your body will be followed by a process that encourages the mind to settle down into a quieter space ….. an altered state of consciousness that is characterized by calm, open alertness —this facilitates awareness and connection with your energy system. Altered states of consciousness are not foreign to you. You shift consciousness all the time throughout your day. So do not necessarily look for something that is very different from your normal experience….in this case you will simply be more internally focused with less awareness of external noise and things that ordinarily would take your attention.

Over time, with practice you will find your mind developing more of a soft, open, spacious feeling —one of heightened awareness accompanied by deep relaxation. You may find these qualities spilling over into your experience during everyday activities which helps with your stress level in general. It is only with this kind of practice–one that includes deep relaxation/meditation, experiences of greater awareness/spaciousness that we can promote well-being and maintain equilibrium in the a tumultuous world.