Intuitive awareness is natural and you have experienced it whether you recognize it or not. Typically we are taught to ignore it and so often are unaware of when it is speaking to us.
Here are a few common examples of intuitive awareness operating.
Have you ever known who was on the telephone before you answered it?
Have you ever had a gut feeling that defied logic but turned out to be true?
Have you ever known what someone was going to say before they said it?
Have you reliably predicated the outcome of a situation without factual information?
If you answered yes’ to any of these questions you have experienced intuition.
Intuitive awareness or intuition can be an enormous source of help and guidance in a variety of ways in our lives. Many who have developed this ability have found that it gives them valuable help in business, relationships, & decision making. In addition, it can be a wonderful asset to help combat stress, improve health, enhance creativity, and boost personal and professional performance.
Intuition is an invaluable tool that can help keep us on our “right path” in life.
Recently a client told me that she credits her intuition for helping her achieve the high quality of life she has achieved. I have known her for many years and know this to be true as I watched her develop, integrate and use this ability. She has created success in her marriage, business life, parenting and financial world. In addition to this very normal NH resident, there are also many stories about famous people such as CEO’s of major companies who use this skill in balance with intellectual information to make key decisions & run their companies.
Intuition:Another Way of Knowing
One way to view this ability is as simply another source of knowledge. It does not rely on the usual logical processes that our other ways of knowing do. Consequently it seems irrational or quirky to us. Fortunately, research has now provided a great deal of information about how the mind-body and heart-brain connection work. This scientific foundation is encouraging. It can motivate us all to learn more about the amazing capacity of our minds and and how the gift’ of intuition can be cultivated.
Perhaps the easiest way to understand intuitive awareness is as an extension of our other senses. It travels over the same circuitry as our thoughts and feelings do. Each of us has one sense that is more highly attuned to receiving intuitive information. It may be a kind of inner voice, the ability to see inner images, a gut response’, or an unexplainable but strong knowing. We all have the capacity to have one or all of these types
of knowing. In the beginning it is best to work first with the one that is strongest & most natural for you.
What is your strongest sense for receiving intuitive “hits”? How has it been helpful to you in your life? Are there times you have ignored your intuition and regretted it? We’d love to hear your stories in the comment section!
Next post: Intuition is a Normal Function: Five Steps To Develop Yours
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