Identifying Your Blocks to Change

Fog Lifting by by Sonia's View
Fog Lifting by by Sonia’s View

Step 1: Become Aware of your Beliefs

Pay attention to the chatter of your mind. You may find that there is a lot going on that is be at odds with what you truly would like to have or believe about yourself and the world. Radical self honesty is not easy but it is freeing in the long run. Begin noticing what is going on in your mind and jot down some notes in a journal.

Some common mistaken beliefs that are often underneath negative self talk:
I’m not acceptable

I’m not lovable

I don’t deserve to be loved

I’m not wanted

I can’t find my place in the world

Nothing ever works for me
Life is a struggle

I will never succeed

I can’t express myself

Nobody understands me

It’s not safe to trust

I am betrayed by life I am insignificant

I’m not capable

There’s no hope for me

I don’t deserve to love

I am stupid

I cannot be myself
I am weak and have no defenses

I struggle to live

Life is painful

I deserve to be deprived

I deserve to be abandoned

I am not good enough
Step 2: Become Aware of Your Patterns In Relationships

Another difficulty we have with mistaken beliefs is problem patterns in relationships. These develop in childhood. We all learn methods to gain approval, love, support, attention, or recognition. These dynamics are a means of getting or giving energy. A classic example is that of a child triggering negative attention. If parents are not able to give love in a positive way, a child instinctively finds the means to get the attention (energy) to flow his/her way.

This creates negative patterns within the relationship as well as within the individual. These patterns become generalized and get transferred to other relationships. A person may have intellectual knowledge about their dysfunctional family but not really understand how their patterns of filling emotional needs has become a default program that operates automatically, especially when under stress.

View your life as a movie. See yourself as a young child. What beliefs do you think that child formed about:
• getting attention
receiving love
• gaining approval
• having support
• obtaining recognition
Step 3: Dissolve Your Beliefs Where They Live

Our thoughts and emotions form our beliefs and these exist as packets of information in our energy field. This being the case, energetic methods are particularly effective in clearing obstacles to moving forward in life.

A variety of energetic techniques that can be helpful include:
• Emotional Freedom and Healing Technique (EF&H)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
• Imagery
• Meditation
Breath work

In our program, Living Energy: 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery, we provide a guided meditation and breath work in each session to help shift problem perceptions and increase clarity and self knowledge. Session 6 is dedicated to release techniques and you are guided through the Emotional Freedom and Healing Technique.