A major hidden obstacle to change is mistaken beliefs.
Beliefs about ourselves, life, relationships, time, money, love, creativity and spirituality originate from many sources and are:
• accepted as truth
• usually formed early in life and tend to be unconscious
• create feelings and thoughts that reinforce the original belief.
If these beliefs are ones of strength, confidence, optimism and hope, then they may serve us well. However many of us have beliefs that do not serve us well. The result is a vicious cycle that may include inner turmoil, conflict and unhappiness. Through becoming aware of mistaken beliefs and their associated difficulties we can free ourselves from a lot of stress, improve our health and develop greater happiness, peace and fulfillment.
We form a large portion of our core beliefs early in life before we have a capacity for discernment. Throughout our lives events happen, we are impacted by them, and naturally have thoughts and feelings as a result. These thoughts and feelings coalesce into beliefs. We register these mind sets, often out of full conscious awareness, they then go on automatic and influence our lives. We remain unaware usually until some pressure is brought to bear in an important area of our lives and we are called upon to explore our inner world.
Next post: Identify your problem beliefs
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