There was a time when I thought that insight and understanding were enough to change, grow and heal. My personal experience as well as that with clients has taught me that this is not necessarily so!
Over the years I have had so many clients express frustration about not being able to create change in their lives despite their best efforts… and many speak about how even though an experience was long ago they still feel it as if it were today. And so it is if we do not address our issues where they live!
Our experiences and beliefs over a lifetime are all factors that influence how we see the world, how we live our lives and how we react to situations.
Our dilemma is that our past experiences and especially the way we feel about them are encoded in our nervous systems, in our very cell tissue and form default reactor patterns that are easily—and unconsciously triggered by people and events. The result is that we often react automatically from the past and are not truly, freely in the present.
The past can live on within our body-mind forever. We carry our history, our memories within and if not processed they remain with us and even take on a life of their own as they continue to affect us and impede the changes we want to make in life
Why do we hold on to the past?
Just as important as discovering the who, what, where and when of a past experience is recognizing that we may have a “good” reason to holding onto something about it. This may seem counter intuitive but the unconscious mind operates by rules that are not entirely logical to the conscious mind.
Some reasons why we hold on:
Protection, a sense of safety for ourselves or another
Belonging: if we change we may no longer fit in our tribe
Identity challenges: who would we be without the this belief, hurt, grief, trauma?
Habit: simply not knowing there’s another way to be or how to get there
You may have your own unique reason for holding on to something from the past…the beauty of skillfully used energy work is it tends to ferret out what is truly hidden from us so we may be free.
How to really let the past go?
To truly let go one must go to the root and release from there. Unraveling the effects of negativity, trauma, or faulty beliefs at the level of energy is like removing a taproot, it is the most efficient and effective way to let go of past.
Suggestions for learning how to let go:
Techniques to Release Emotional Blockages (296KB PDF File)
This article presents two techniques you can use to manage disruptions of energy and keep your energy coherent, flowing and in abundant supply. https://karenkallie.com/resources/articles/
There are also many other articles pertaining to energy and change on this page.
In addition you may want to visit our store for recorded guided meditations that can help you really know how to let go and be free from your past. Click here: http://bit.ly/1B4tKhT
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