We are learning to bring the spiritual to earth….to embody our highest faculties and qualities rather than transcending/going to the mountain top to meditate. We are challenged to bring our best selves to our daily lives and help cultivate a vastly different world than the one we live in now. To do so requires new knowledge and new tools for the development of higher consciousness so we may become aware of the subtler aspects of our lives and relationships.
Have you ever wondered why you feel so differently with the various people in your life?
Why is it so easy with your best friend and so difficult with a certain relative? You know the one!
Are there people you feel secure with? Are there those who make you feel peaceful, happy or content and then others who make you feel uneasy, anxious or depressed?
Obviously there are interactions and our own inner dynamics that occur that contribute to our feelings, but the questions here are meant to draw awareness to those feelings that seem to arise for no apparent reason between you and another.
Your personal energy field holds the key to blending easily with one person and not another.
We each have our own individual frequency. When our frequencies are similar to another we feel rapport. Auras of dissimilar frequencies result in discomfort, tension or agitation. Our first impressions of another are often based on how our auras harmonize. Even though our fields may not resonate well with each other we can harmonize dissonance over time. However, there may be those people that are so out of phase with us that no matter how we may try, it is just too difficult, frustrating and exhausting to continue to try.
Entrainment: feng shui for the spirit
We can learn to adjust and change frequency with practice- a sort of shape-shifting that allows us to adjust to many environments and people. This is easier for people with flexible fields than for those with more fixed fields.
To consciously manage this process means living from center and being able to maintain your inner stability or grounding. This ability allows you to interact with many people and environments in a positive way and is also very healthy and empowering. It is when we are unconscious that we are impacted negatively.
The most common way we interact energetically is through entrainment or harmonic induction.
The rate of vibration in your field affects others. A stronger field will induce change in a weaker one. We all know people we like to be around because they calm or energize us. We also have people that we have difficulty being around as they bring our vibration into a range that is uncomfortable for us.
Energy and Interaction
- Energy is constantly being given off or absorbed due to its electromagnetic properties
- An exchange of energy occurs each time you come into contact with another
- Energy interacts through harmonic induction, streamers, chords
- Electrical properties of energy are giving, the magnetic are absorbing
- The more people around the more energy exchange taking place
- Longer/more intimate contact, the greater the exchange
Through our energy we leave imprints on each other, objects and our environment. This explains breaking in periods, favorite blankets, toys, and prayer shawls. The more you are exposed to certain patterns the more you are affected by them. We can use this information to our benefit, E.G. having a special place where we meditate, relax or go to reboot our energies.
One of the most important things to realize about harmonic induction or entrainment is: it is the strongest energy that will prevail, not necessarily the healthiest energy but the strongest. So if you are unaware and are around angry, sad or depressed people then your field will entrain and soon you will be feeling what they are!
Awareness, connecting with your own field and routinely practicing
centering and grounding your energy is the way to be sure that your field is
not high jacked and brought to a place you do not want to go! In addition, it
feels good, adds to your well being, happiness, inner ease and peace.
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