energy, chakras

Goals and Hidden Obstacles to Their Achievement

Setting Goals  on Life’s Path
Part of the human journey includes setting goals to grow and develop and become all that we can be. In spite of these intentions, we often hit obstacles that surprise as well as prevent us from achieving what we desire.

An important but often unrecognized reason for falling short of our goals is the influence of false beliefs. These beliefs act like energetic wrinkles in our fabric and inhibit the free flow of our energy toward the aspirations we hold in our hearts and minds. For the full force of our being to be channeled toward our dreams, false beliefs must be erased from our systems.

In addition to releasing old material such as false beliefs from our energy bodies and psyche, it is essential to clearly define our true feelings, desires and dreams. We need to be aware of what is ours separate from family legacies. Once free from all that no longer serves us our creative power can more freely flow through our bodies and minds. We also become more open and able to align with a wholehearted expression of our spiritual selves.

Human Energy System as a Map of Consciousness
The organs of the human energy system (the seven chakras) provides a wonderful map that can help us discover unconscious barriers to our freedom. We do not live in a vacuum. Our outer world is often a mirror of what is occurring within our psyches. The Feng Shui Bagua, is a perfect map for making sense of how the external matches up with the internal.
Both maps of awareness, the chakras and the bagua, help us to identify not only our problem areas but also our strengths and abilities. In addition to identification Feng Shui and the Chakras also give us tools and techniques to release our weaknesses and cultivate our strengths.

Energy and Higher Consciousness
In addition to helping us grow, develop and achieve our goals the energy system provides us with the means to go beyond the common mind and helps us expand into a higher consciousness. This expansion brings much more depth, purpose, meaning and joy to all of life. A light heart and a joyous spirit make for a happy ride!

To learn more about these two maps of awareness and how they can help you achieve your goals check out our recorded program, Chakras and Feng Shui: Balancing Inner and Outer Energy:



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