Excerpted from Ch. 4 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery–Ideals: Containers of Joy, Passion and Love. Awaken Your Internal Drivers
We form patterns in our early environments that become our automatic reactions and repeated responses to situations and events throughout our lives. We all have beliefs about the key areas of life: safety, survival, relationships, money, self image, power, entitlement, love, self expression and spirituality. If we are to be truly free to create lives that are the unique manifestation of our individual BEING, then it is essential to identify our real values and release what interferes with openly embracing our own strong, passionately alive consciousness.
Information regarding our internal state is always coming to us in several ways our physical, emotional and mental faculties are always giving clues about our energy and inner being. In addition, our energy system can offer a great deal of useful data if we take the time to learn how to comprehend it.
We can also stay aware of how the various aspects of the mind communicate with us and blend that into our energetic awareness. The conscious mind is aware of concepts and ideas; the subconscious speaks through feelings or lack of them the body clearly tells us what is happening in our subconscious mind if we know how to listen. Higher awareness tends to speak through imagery, subtle sensing, or an unmistakable kind of knowing when you sincerely request to know the truth of a matter.
The human energy and chakra system are the vehicles through which we develop and encode our life experience into our cellular memory, so they provide us with a very useful, simple and organized way to look at our values and beliefs as well as with a means to understand how beliefs affect the organization of our energies.
Notice what dominant theme(s) repeatedly comes up for you in your life. Herein lies a clue as to a core belief that is strongly affecting the organization of the people, places, and circumstances of your life. Through collapsing that belief and its attendant mental and emotional features you can be free from the inside out, have more energy and be more open to creating more of what you do want in your life .
12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery provides a comprehensive guide to uncovering and releasing troublesome beliefs and provides techniques for intelligent energy management that support, nourish and sustain you to pursue your goals with more passion and live your life with greater ease and joy.
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