Four Questions to Assess Energetic Contractions

FL 57 Blue Hydrangeas_3331 copyBecause the flow of energy between people is invisible to the naked eye it may be hard to understand or realize that your energy field has been compromised or assaulted. However, your feelings and intuition can be counted on to tell the story.

For instance:
Have you ever been with a person and afterward felt drained or exhausted or like you needed a nap?

Have you ever encountered criticism, blaming or manipulative behavior that has left you wiped out, or feeling like you have been ripped apart or emotionally beaten up?

Do you find yourself becoming tense, tight and constricted when you are with certain people?

Do you tend to engage in negative behaviors as a way to refuel, numb the “pain”, or distract yourself from the issues with some people in your life?

These are all very common reactions to having been in contact with an energy drain of some type. The good news is that there are ways to recognize vampires, to repair the damage they cause and learn to protect and keep yourself safe from this kind of harm.

People, places or events can all have a negative impact on your energy. The only way to be sure that we stay strong, healthy and energized is to be aware, knowledgeable and responsible for our own energetic self- care. Our health, happiness and safety are all related to the state of our energy and so necessarily an inside job. We cannot rely on others to be conscious or responsible for how they interact. Of course it would be wonderful if they were, but the reality is that many people are not conscious, aware or responsible regarding their inner lives, and thus how they manage energy. If we wait for them to be, or expect them to be, then we give our power away and put the fulfillment of our needs in their very unsafe (and often uncaring) hands.

We all need energy to feel good, happy, secure, worthwhile and valuable. Vampires are not necessarily mean or evil people, but they are engaged in the pursuit of energy and will get it any way they can. It often feels like a survival issue to them and so the compulsion to obtain it any way they can is strong.
Unresolved issues, lack of awareness regarding motivation and the patterns of behavior they generate all combine to produce mismanagement of energy. Of course not everyone chooses to externalize unresolved internal dilemmas like vampires, but if we realize that we all have energetic patterns that are maladaptive we can move beyond judging ourselves or the vampire and do what we can to create healthy energy patterns.