personal energy system


The human energy field (aura) is composed of chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy channels). Chakras are reservoirs of energy. Meridians disperse chakra energy throughout the body organ systems. Our auras are influenced by core beliefs, expectations, and judgments.

The strength, flow, and frequencies of our energy systems influence our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. Optimal well-being is a reflection of abundant, free flowing, and balanced energies.

Disruptions, Frequency and Impact on Real Life
When any one energy center (chakra) is disrupted or damaged, that aspect of the field’s frequency is affected, resulting in a disturbance of the energy field. The disturbance can be transmitted to other layers of the field, causing them to malfunction as well. These disruptions result in energy loss, improper flow, and obstruction in what should be a free flowing system. The result is that the energy field weakens and fatigue sets in. Over time, this weakening can cause mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical dysfunction.

Disruptions in the energy field prevent us from:

  • Radiating our full potential
  • Experiencing ourselves as whole and healthy
  • Relating easily and positively to others

Origins and Influence of Energy Signatures and Patterns
We each have a distinctive energetic signature much like we have a unique thumbprint. In addition to this basic signature our energy is influenced and shaped by our life experiences and reactions. In fact, we are continually unconsciously both influencing and reacting to the patterns and shape of our energy.

Our habitual thoughts, emotions, and beliefs strongly determine the shapes and patterns our energy will assume. Energy then affects our biochemistry, our mental and emotional “bodies,” which, in turn, create changes in our physical state. This is a two-way street in that our physical state also affects our energetic, mental, and emotional states.

Understanding the characteristics, unconscious patterning, and reactivity of our energy system, allows us to consciously intervene in nonproductive cycles and create positive, healing, and balanced flow within our mind, body, and spirit.

Excerpted from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras:Learn more or purchase here: