Many people think they do not sense energy because they do not see auras, but the fact is that we all communicate through our fields. Here are some ways that you can probably relate that you may not have associated with energy awareness.
Do you ever get exhausted after spending time with certain people?
People who lack energy look outside themselves to “recharge their batteries.” When you are with them, they can take your energy to replenish theirs. A fundamental key to healthy relationships is to know how to”flow” energy to each other rather than competing for it.
We also entrain our energy with each other’s. This is a natural phenomenon as we try to get into synch with each other so that we can communicate, share an even exchange of energy, or feel close. This process is unconscious and works well when you have two or more reasonably healthy people with good personal boundaries. If a person is deeply troubled, is not taking responsibility for their own internal work or just plain has a lot of past pain or trauma that they have not been aware of or have not known how to deal with, then their energy may be the strongest in an interchange. We tend to entrain with the stronger energy when we do not know consciously how to manage our own energy. This can and does adversely affect how we feel.
Addressing/becoming aware of energy not only supports health, it improves relationships!
Can you recall any situations where you felt your energy was depleted by someone else?
When this happens, stop and ground your energy. Breathe deeply and feel yourself drawing in life enhancing energy. Do not shield yourself as is often recommended –this stops your energy—grounding and centering with a focus on expanding, strengthening and keeping a dynamic flow is your best protection.
Have you ever felt someone staring at you?
We emit large amounts of energy from our eyes. When someone is staring at you, you are literally feeling their energy. And if you pay attention the next time you are upset with someone, you may notice that you are intensely focused around your eyes and maybe even”shooting daggers.” A whole new awareness about nonverbal communication and double messages!
Have you ever felt an instant dislike for someone?
We are always “reading” other people’s energy fields to see how compatible they are with ours. Just as some substances €“ like oil and water €“ don’t mix well, when you feel an instant dislike for someone, your energy field isn’t mixing well with theirs.
Do some people excite and energize you more than others?
People who have energy reserves or whose energy just mixes well with ours tend to extend and exchange their energy with us. When you’re with someone who excites you, they boost your energy level and make you feel energized.
Do you ever know how someone is feeling before they tell you?
People emit information about themselves through their energy fields. When you can sense how someone feels, you are picking up and decoding this information.
Do you ever experience different feelings in different rooms in your home, or in other people’s homes?
Environments have an energetic “blueprint,” just as people do. Often this is a result of the emotional exchanges that have gone on in that space. When you get a feeling from a place, you are picking up on this residual energy.
Have you ever had an initial impression that you talked yourself out of, only to find later that you were correct?
We pick up on energy and register impressions and information unconsciously. The conscious mind tends to distrust what it cannot logically deduce, weigh, measure or otherwise sense, so it simply discounts energetic impressions as valid sources of information. As a result, hunches are often not acted upon.
If you have had any of these experiences, you have experienced subtle energy!
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