Peg Donahue has written and shared an interesting article about how our intentions impact our environment through the field. She references Lynn McTaggert’s books which are filled with fascinating information about the field we live in, energy experiements and the power of our mind/energy.

A reader recently wrote and asked me how our intentions affect our environment. She indicated that since her success with setting intentions, she really wanted to understand how much our intentions affect our environment vs. how our environment affects us. What a great question. Many people wonder about the same thing.
Everything in the universe is made up of energy and everything carries an energetic signature or a particular vibration or frequency. In recent years much has been written about this at scientific and metaphysical levels. Lynne McTaggart offers very credible scientific evidence of how everything in the universe is connected in her book The Intention Experiment: Using Your thoughts to Change Your Life and The World as well as her follow-up book The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us.
Our energy entangles itself with everything in our fields at the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels. This happens at the quantum wave level. It is how we affect our environment and our environment affects us. In addition, everyone and everything that comes into our space affects us and the energy of our space as well. This is also explains why if you’ve lived with someone for a long time, you can often finish each other’s sentences or “know” what they are thinking and how they are feeling. Our energy continually interacts with everything around it.
Another amazing aspect of entanglement is that energy travels over long distances. People can affect you and your environment even if they are not physically present. This is one reason why you want to clear yourself and your space of negative energy and negative thought-forms periodically by energetically cutting the cords. Whether intentional or not, we and our spaces are impacted by others’ thoughts, words, stories and intentions. Signals from the power of thought can be picked up by others miles away.
Your home and everything in it is a living entity, passing information back and forth all the time. We experience the information as an energetic vibration and we contribute to it through our physical presence and energetic patterns. In other words, our energy is part of the whole house while we also sense the energy of the whole house. We are both the observer and part of the observed.
Love is one of the strongest and most powerful vibrations. Sending love and gratitude throughout your house and to everyone you are in contact helps to entangle you and your space with some very nice energy!
Peg Donahue is a Feng Shui Practitioner and founder of Feng Shui Connections. She can be reached at ( or Facebook ( Contact her at ( if you have a question about the energy of your space or you would like to discuss a particular situation.
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