Category: Uncategorized
What’s the whole truth about millennials?
There is a lot of bad press about Millennials, but is what you hear the whole truth? This video looks at the background of some who have become involved in Generation Waking UP. Their new website is under construction but there is a link to their Facebook page below the video if you want to…
Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power, Courage and Change Part 1
Energy for change The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are governed by the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a major player in your capacity to change yourself and your situation in life.
How to Bring Inner Peace to Your Overstimulated Mind
Inner peace requires new learning. We cannot simply wish for a quieter mind. We must recondition its natural tendencies to open to our higher mind where true freedom, peace and happiness live! The mind is a great servant but a terrible master to paraphrase Robin Sharma. Our minds are always working. The busy part of…
6 Practices to Build Strong, Balanced, Vibrant Energy
Strong vibrant, flowing energy is one of the best antidotes to stress! Make a list of what opens you, strengthens you, makes you feel good— commit to include more of those things in your daily life. Twirl…Really! Spinning in a clockwise direction adjusts and strengthens your aura. Lovingly detach from the energy drains in your…
A Map of Transformation from IONS
The article below from IONS includes an interesting diagram showing the paths and “pitfalls” found along the way of spiritual trans formative paths. The people studied followed many different roads to transformation. It is my belief that a path that offers a combination of energy, psychology, and spirituality offers a path that is more likely…
Master Subtle Energy of the Chakras for Spiritual Growth
Master Subtle Energy: An energetic perspective benefits Opens the door to a deeper awareness concerning our true nature Offers a broader lens to view life through Provides more options for discovery, promoting health and healing Facilitates easier access to insight, creativity, intuition and spirituality Healthy Subtle Energy Flows Like a River For a moment imagine…