Category: Mind Body Health
The Breath of Mindfulness
“There is a way of breathing that’s a shame and suffocation. And there’s another way of expiring, a love-breath that lets you open infinitely.” Rumi Proper breath promotes relaxationProper, relaxed breathing is the cornerstone in any inner awareness process. Improper breathing contributes to stress, anxiety and pain. Try it no by taking in a clear,…
What is the relationship between stress and pleasure?
Pleasure deficits contribute to stress as they unbalance our system and lead to negative behaviors that further deplete and stress body, mind and spirit. With all the stress and turmoil in our world we may not be thinking about or making time for pleasure. Even as we look for ways to manage or reduce stress…
How the Root Chakra helps to develop a greater sense of safety, security and belonging
Root Chakra Health Stabilizes Mind Function Our minds tend toward analyzing, planning, or preoccupation with a variety of concerns, worries, and stresses. When we are focused on these mental states our energy fields are affected. Habitual thoughts, positive or negative, create ripples throughout our being that have repercussions on an emotional and physical level. They…
Changing a Stress Filled Mind
How things are Versus how we wish them to be…the distance between these two equals the amount of stress we feel.We do not have to like what is but we do not need to keep up an ongoing inner debate or resistant thought/feeling stream about it. I first learned this several decades ago and yet…
Self Care Tip for Letting Go of Judgement, Irritability and Anger
Self Care Skill #1: Broadening PerspectiveWe have all heard the idea that what irritates us in others is something that we embody. I suspect there is some truth in that , but my experience suggests that there’s a viewpoint that offers a broader perspective. For instance, if you encounter a bully the issue may not…
7 Steps to to Help Release Stress and Difficult Emotions
This is a shortened version of a video we put out on grief at the end of last month….it feels like eons ago! 🙂 This version includes the 7 steps to processing emotion without the conversation leading into them. We are reposing this shortened form to make it easier to use the steps for not…