Category: energy
How Can Being Present Boost Energy and Decrease Stress?
One of the key elements in an energetic approach to living is to FEEL good. Not only is this a goal, it is also a part of the method to achieve the goal.
Energy Fields: Dr. Valerie Hunt on Energy, Health and Change
Energy Fields, Strength and Coherence As we work with our energy fields, enhancing their strength and coherency, we’re not locked in to unconscious patterns. This means we can adapt to circumstances and flow with life more easily. This ability provides us with a deep sense of empowerment and inner peace in addition to the health…
Mindful Living: Energy Awareness for Success, Health and Prosperity
Each type of personal energy has an optimal use. Thinking about how you can specifically enagage each type of energy to implement your strengths and support your weaker areas can greatly enhance your capacity to create your dreams.
How to Transform the Energy of Anger
A video with a nice explanation of deep self care within the context of transforming anger.
Energy Blocks: How to Manage Energy Disruptions
Our energy is our power. When we have energy blocks we do not have full access to all our power. How can we begin to become aware of how we are managing our subtle energy?