Category: energy
Energy Drains and Energy Vampires: How to Know if You are Affected
Energy Drains and Vampires : Identifying the Sources People, places or events may all have a negative impact on your energy. We each need to be aware and responsible for our own self care. Health, happiness and safety are all an inside job. We cannot rely on others to be conscious or responsible for how…
6 Tips to Free Yourself from Energy Drains
6 Tips for Eliminating Energy Drains in Your Life suggests 6 ways to keep your energy strong and vibrant in the face of people, places and things that would normally drain your vitality. [caption id="attachment_13348" align="alignleft" width="400"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Why is Balance Important for Your Heart Chakra ?
Location, Development and Imbalances of the Heart Chakra The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest at the site of the Pulmonary & Cardiac Nerve Plexus. The simplest way to locate your heart center is to become aware of the breastbone and then imagine a circle 4-5 inches in diameter in that…
Relax and Improve the Quality of Your Energy
Our thoughts and emotions are involved in a constant interplay with our environment. Our minds are always with us busy, constantly engaged with analyzing, labeling, planning, or preoccupation with a variety of concerns, worries, and stresses. When we are focused on these mental states our energy fields are affected. Habitual thoughts, positive or negative, create…