Category: Chakras
How to Deal with Fear and Anxiety in times of Uncertainty
The discovery that it is necessary to have methods to transform knowledge into inner knowing, a felt experience that shifts our default patterns, was a doorway to freedom for me.
Why is Balance Important for Your Heart Chakra ?
Location, Development and Imbalances of the Heart Chakra The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest at the site of the Pulmonary & Cardiac Nerve Plexus. The simplest way to locate your heart center is to become aware of the breastbone and then imagine a circle 4-5 inches in diameter in that…
How Do Surrender and Acceptance Promote Health and Well Being?
In addition to ramping up the heart’s capacity for good feeling, it is also important to know how to let go of what disturbs our balance. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" class="zemanta-img"] Anahata
The Heart Chakra: Change, Compassion, Letting Go and Forgiveness
Change impacts the heart as it registers loss, grief and unwanted adjustments. To having a truly open and loving heart requires objective exploration, release and healing of the core wounds and pains stored in the energetic layers of the heart. Moving toward unconditional love and true compassion (is not what you think—but that is a…
How Does Emotional Intelligence Ease Stress and Change?
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance but also with proper channeling. When the energy here is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and…
Letting Go: How to Move Through Grief, Loss and Change with Greater Ease
What I have learned, working with my own issues as well as those of clients, is that there is also another level of awareness that can be helpful in this area. That level focuses on the energy dynamics that operate beneath the surface in the circumstances of our lives. If we understand those workings our…