What does it mean to go with the flow
During stressful times we are often advised to “go with the flow”. This is good advice if we in fact understand the concept and integrate it into our Being. However it seems that too often this phrase is used when we are trying valiantly to not react to stressful things in our lives and to adopt a placid demeanor! The typical approach is a mental one that tries to control, force and engage will power or to simply move into a state of denial that is spiritualized.
Unfortunately the effect this has on our energy is to stop it and stuff a neat package of nasty biochemistry down inside that closet marked UNPROCESSED MATERIAL: KEEP OUT. This of course does not serve us well in the long run.
We are energy Beings.
Every aspect of our nature—- our thoughts, feelings, even our physical makeup is comprised of energy. FLOW is word that is used to describe the optimal condition and the movement of our energies.
The subjective experience of FLOW is one characterized by feelings of ease, peace/ balance and at the top of the charts—BLISS. Flow is a state that allows us to experience inner strength, clear headedness and a deep knowing or trust that we can rise to the challenges of our lives as needed without too much undue turmoil.
Objectively the Flow state occurs when the energies of our bodies, minds and spirits are in harmony with each other, balanced, in abundant supply and moving freely throughout our entire being. Achieving this state and being able to maintain it with any kind of regularity or stability requires a commitment to ourselves and to practices that support it.
Energy needs to move and come to a state of completion or release. This is true no matter what form the energy is in. If it is not allowed this a feedback loop is created that leads to physical, mental or emotional problems within that then ripple out into our environment affecting our environment…relationships…actually the very fabric of our lives.
What gets in the way of our natural state of flow?
Some common obstacles are the physical ones: the right kinds of food, rest, exercise and air to breathe. Beyond that the greatest detriment to the proper energy flow and alignment is the functioning of our minds and mismanagement of our emotions.
Being in charge of our mind is a challenge that requires commitment and the tools to do the job! It does not need to be an arduous or daunting task though if you become educated and adopt a light attitude with both the learning and doing. In fact mastering the mind even to a small extent offers a great deal of inner peace!
As for our emotions, we need the means to allow our emotions to have their voice, learn from them, and have techniques that let feelings be released from our systems rather than be stuck in repeating loops.
When we can be both fully human (E.G. accepting our imperfections even as we seek to grow) and have a growing edge that includes increasing self- knowledge, grace and skill, life becomes more manageable, easy and happy!
Creating Flow
There are many ways to approach the mastery of our mental and emotional selves. Much has been written about the various methods that address the management, transformation, and integration of our psychological selves.
There are two simple easy to use methods for you to try to contribute to more flow in your bodymind and life. The first is to begin to ask yourself on a regular basis throughout your day if THIS (activity, thought, feeling) builds or depletes your energy. The “THIS” that you are asking the question about can be a mental process, an emotional pattern or a choice about a person, place or thing. Asking this question helps to increase your self-awareness in regard to the choices you are making and thus helps to empower you to act more often on your own behalf rather than unconsciously giving your energy away.
The other technique is to regularly give yourself some time to relax and imagine that you are entering a river that appears still as you are simply viewing it. However, once you enter the river and let yourself float with it, it will become clear that there is a flow, a direction that the river is moving in. Allow yourself to feel flowing with the river and experience the ease and peace that develop as you let go into the rhythm of the water. Stay as long as you like with this experience. Over time you will find that this pleasant exercise is installing a felt sense of flow deep within your core. Once you become accustomed to it you can tap back into it during the day as needed or wanted.
There is so much angst in the world. If we are to be part of the change we would like to see externally, we need to begin by creating a dynamic inner space of harmony from which to live. Once you establish flow, strength, courage, and the ability to take conscious well thought out action can emerge naturally.
There is a stream of energy, of well-being; peace and love available to all of us as we embody our spiritual nature, blend it with our humanness even as we learn to live from a higher perspective. Part of our power is the ability to choose to clear the obstacles to access, embody, experience and live from that stream more reliably. The gift for our efforts is the beauty and grace developed within and the quiet joy that takes up resonance in our core. It is then that we create a different kind of reality and ripple effect out to the world.
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