What Your Heart Chakra Knows!

Photo y Sonia's View
Photo y Sonia’s View

The pulsations of our hearts are an intelligent language that influences how we perceive and react to the world.

When we focus on the heart and produce coherent rhythms, we see more clearly, are less influenced by the primitive brain and are more open to receiving input from our higher centers. This input has wisdom and creativity of which our lower brain centers are not capable.

With that in mind it seems wise to become a bit more familiar with our heart, its functions and potential!

The electromagnetic power of the heart is five thousand times stronger than that of the brain. This amazing fact points to the centrality of the heart in all areas of our lives.
The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest at the site of the pulmonary and cardiac nerve plexus. The simplest way to locate your heart center is to become aware of the breastbone and then imagine a circle 4-5 inches in diameter in that space.

This energy center develops between 12 and 15 years of age. Physically the heart chakra governs the heart and circulatory systems, the thymus gland — a major player in immunity, the ribs, breasts, lungs, shoulders, hands, arms, and diaphragm.

Psychologically the heart is involved in the transformation or shift from the average everyday consciousness of the material world and ego to a deeper and broader awareness that encompasses self and other as well as spiritual realms.

In addition, the heart chakra transforms higher energy from the upper chakras into a lower frequency that can flow to the lower chakras so it may be used to manifest on the physical plane. The heart chakra also is responsible for taking the denser energy from the lower chakras and converting it into subtler form so this energy can move upward where it takes the form of thoughts, ideas and inspiration.

While the elements of the previous chakras are tangible, the element of the heart chakra is air and thus invisible. The heart chakra can be seen as home to our Prana or life force energy, the unseen energy we take in with every breath.

Imbalances in the heart chakra physically manifest as conditions such as: asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung or breast problems or upper back pain.
Beyond the physical, our heart plays a major role in bringing our ideas from the realm of thought into the material world. And of course this can happen in a positive or a negative way.

Next post: Is Your heart chakra under or overly active?