Types of Chakra Blockages
Blockages within a chakra can occur when external circumstances make it unsafe to remain open. This situation can also result when there is too much intensity and the energy of a particular chakra does not continue to flow freely. Over time a pattern of holding takes root. Tension in the body can help reveal where chakra blockages and jams are to be found. Knowing what specific beliefs are associated with each chakra can also lend information about the location of blocks.
The way to work with these type of chakra blockages is to gently work to open it. Generally, the best way to approach any change or personal growth is with gradual, positive forward movement. This approach is more apt to create stable results than trying to shock ourselves into healing!
Work slowly with an attitude of gentle persistent kindness toward yourself. When we work to open and free up energy within our minds and bodies, old feelings and emotions may arise. This is a natural and vital part of the healing and transition process.
During an active healing process, it is important to routinely use techniques that help to self soothe, release intensity and provide an experience of inner safety. This is also important to do anytime since it is a vital aspect for balance in life. During healing these tools play an essential role in building strength and energy. The release of old beliefs and the leftovers’ of unprocessed emotional issues can then happen more easily.
Methods that involve the use of imagery and metaphor can be of particular help in this process as they not only facilitate developing new strength, but they also assist in establishing new, more desirable qualities. In addition, they contribute to an experience of inner knowing. Through accessing a different level of skill we arrive at a new sense of inner power and a profound trust in our expanded self.
Spasms occur in chakras that are usually open. A traumatic or stressful event or situation can trigger a sharp sudden closure. This can reverse itself on its own over the time. Often when a spasm is the problem, you will experience physical discomfort in the area of the chakra involved. Chakra blockages can then become stagnant in that area. If such a situation remains too long, physical symptoms may develop in the adjacent physical organs or organ systems.
Diminished Flow
This is the most common of chakra blockages. Energy flow is diminished rather than completely blocked. The negative energy is distributed over a broad area, so is harder to detect. Fear is a very common cause of this condition.
Removing Chakra Blockages
Blocks to the free flow of energy can be removed through a variety of approaches. Practitioners skilled in massage, energy work or acupuncture can assist you in relieving them. Generally insight alone is not usually enough to release a block. Some traditional therapists use techniques such as EFT, EMDR, hypnosis, imagery or inner child techniques and these can be helpful.
There is also a great deal that you can do on your own to identify and release these obstructions and restore balance to the free flow of energy through your being. The more serious or longstanding a problem, the more likely you will need professional assistance. However, you can greatly enhance your treatment through understanding, awareness and personal integration of energetic self help tools.
As previously mentioned imagery skills are particularly powerful on a variety of levels. In addition to the advantages already covered, imagery skills provide the ability to explore energy system, locate disruptions, remove obstacles, release and balance energy. Meditation, breathwork, active visualization, sound and music are also potent ways to influence energy.
There are several other options in our store, https://www.karenkallie.com/ that can help teach you to manage your energy effectively for decreased stress, enhanced intuition, improved health, well being and prosperity. Each of these programs takes a slightly different approach and offers you a variety of options for transforming the energy of your life.
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