Have you ever wondered why you are attracted to some people and put off by others? The realm of energy, particle physics and frequencies can add to our understanding of some of the mystery surrounding our connection and interaction with each other.
We are all energy. If we could see our energy field, it would appear as a multilayered radiant cloud surrounding and interpenetrating our bodies. This energy runs in pathways, ionic streambeds, throughout our bodies. In addition to the streambeds, there are also vortexes of energy located at various spots all over our bodies. These centers of energy are called chakras. According to ancient texts as well as current research, our physical, psychological and spiritual development is influenced by the amount, free flow and resonant frequency of the energies that move through our €˜being’.
Each of us has a unique energy field that interacts with others and our environment. One way to understand this phenomenon is to think of yourself as a television set capable of broadcasting and receiving various frequencies. Some of us receive the basic stations and others have cable or satellite capabilities. Depending on the €˜equipment’ we have installed we can receive and broadcast within certain bandwidths. Some of our receptions are crystal clear while others are garbled or nonexistent. The quality of our receptivity depends on the €˜basic equipment installed’, as well as what shape that equipment is in! Also, we can have great basic equipment in good condition, but not know how to access all its capabilities.
Our energy system determines the quality, type of interactions and clarity of communication we will have with others. Fortunately this is a fluid and flexible system. We can change the clarity and strength of our broadcasting and receiving through understanding our €˜equipment’, how it operates and how to manage it in more effectively.
One of the ways that we interact at an energetic level is through pulsation rate or harmonic induction. We unconsciously seek to harmonize with those in our €˜space’. If someone is too far out of our range we will feel misunderstood, like we are talking to a brick wall or not connecting. People who are very far apart in terms of pulsation rate may find it difficult or impossible to communicate. Also, a stronger field will influence a weaker one to bring it toward its frequency. The stronger field may not necessarily be the healthier field€¦just stronger in terms of intensity. We have all had the experience of being €˜brought down’ or up by our contact with another person.
When two people are communicating well, one field affects the other in a positive manner. There is a building of both peoples’ energy. In this case a positive feedback loop is formed with new frequencies. Both parties feel at ease, have a sense of expansion and a lot of pleasure is experienced.
When vibrations that we do not like come into our range we immediately feel uncomfortable. Some people’s fields can beat upon each other creating what feels like a high pitched screeching interference. This may register as dislike, fear, disgust, or simply unpleasantness.
People who do not like each other may try not to interact and exchange energy flow. This can result in friction building until something like a high voltage gap develops. The result may be a lashing out, a lightening like phenomena that allows the energy to discharge. Energy will always seek to be balanced and if we do not take charge of a dynamic in our lives consciously, it will find some means to restore equilibrium. Unfortunately this may not always be the means, method or type of solution we may have preferred—hence the need for consciousness!
See our next post for more on people in love, energy streamers and how the heart’s energy field affects relationships.
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