Tag: Swadhisthana
Throat Chakra: Communication, Pure Consciousness, Listening and Choice
This post discusses the positive and negative signs of an unbalanced throat chakra as well as the advantages of coherent energy in this energy center.
Ego, Energy and Power: 7 Questions to Discover Blocks to Personal Power
We all have issues in all of the chakras. Along with spiritual growth, psychological growth/maturity is a necessary part of every journey. Be honest but gentle with yourself as you sit with these questions…they are meant to free you not further weigh you down!!
How Can Clarifying Feelings Helps You Navigate Change?
Here are some questions to help bring clarity to sacral chakra core issues.
Sacral Chakra and Change: Invisible Barriers to Success
Sacral Chakra and Emotional Energy The sacral chakra is linked to the element of water. It mediates passion, desire and emotions in general. This center develops in toddler-hood as we learn to seek pleasure and avoid pain. The sacral chakra is about intensity of feeling–which can easily be seen in a young child as he/she…
Chakras, Creativity and Change: How Can Your Energy Help Ease the Way?
Consciously embracing how energy moves through our systems related to the creative process lifts us out of old default patterns that bring stress, conflict and lots of what we don’t want.
Creativity and Change: 7 Powerful Steps for Success
The creative cycle is all about our ability to make things happen for ourselves. We create by default every day. If you are not completely happy with what you create by default, you can begin to create your life more consciously. Choose the experiences you would like to have and then put your creative cycle…