Tag: stress management
Can There Be a Gift in Times of Crisis?
Crisis, Fear and OverwhelmThere are so many feelings that come up during times of crisis, danger or major loss. It is easy to become overwhelmed by the stress of such times. Stress management is key to our overall health and well being at anytime but particularly important in difficult times. One aspect of stress management…
Navigating Stress and Fear in Uncertain Times: The Gift and the Challenge
Join Us in Conversation …Tony Pace and Karen Kallie A Conversation to help manage Stress in these Times of Uncertainty Zoom Meeting (to join see details below)Monday 23, 2020 @ 4PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Connection, support and creativity are important contributors to mental, physical and emotional health and well being in any time. In…
Aura Imaging Bio Feedback, See What The Chakras Look Like
Over the last two weeks we have been posting about the aura, its qualities and responsiveness to external stimuli. This video shows the effect of multiple internal and external actors on the energy system.
How Can You Use Your Personal Energy System to Promote Flow States?
Personal energy system, consciousness and flow statesThere is a flow of energy or consciousness, a way of BEING that we all have experienced from time to time— a state where everything flows together and feels in sync. We move easily from one moment to the next with a sense of meaning and purpose. We feel…
Being in the Present Moment
Breath Breaks Can Reduce StressAn approach that can help you reboot your energy and gain greater clarity is to take time for a breath break several times a day. Taking time for a breath break, to meditate or practice an energy technique replenishes our energy so we can move through our day with greater ease and…