Tag: self talk
Self Care Tip for Letting Go of Judgement, Irritability and Anger
Self Care Skill #1: Broadening PerspectiveWe have all heard the idea that what irritates us in others is something that we embody. I suspect there is some truth in that , but my experience suggests that there’s a viewpoint that offers a broader perspective. For instance, if you encounter a bully the issue may not…
What are the Effects of Self Talk?
Self talk, what you are saying to yourself day in and day out in your mind , has a profound effect on your self esteem, personal interactions, ability to feel happiness not to mention your health. Is your self talk kind, thoughtful, helpful? Does it contribute toward strength and confidence to get you where you…
5 Ways to Begin to Be Your Own Best Friend
Being a friend to your SELF is no mere metaphor or purely sentimental idea. It is the basis of all relationships, because it is a fundamental recognition of soul.” Thomas Moore 1. Listen to how you speak to yourself Turn up the volume on your self-talk. Become aware of the voices in your head. Let go…
Self Care and How You Can Be Your Own Best Friend
Being a friend to your SELF is no mere metaphor or purely sentimental idea. It is the basis of all relationships, because it is a fundamental recognition of soul.” Thomas Moore 1. Healthy self care includes listening to how you speak to yourself Turn up the volume on your self-talk. Become aware of the voices in…