Tag: Self Care
Self Care and Stress Management: Foundation for Sanity and Health!
Self care and stress management go hand in hand to provide a strong foundation for not only our health but our peace of mind, and emotional well-being. Healthy self care begins with self awareness and continues with effective practices for stress management. We all know that stress is a part of life, but what we…
Seven Key Strategies to Relieve Stress
Seven Key Strategies to Relieve Stress 1. Be clear about your goal–often we do not take time to really define what it is we would like to create 2. Write down what values are important to you, prioritize the list and keep it handy to check your daily activities against 3. Make realistic timetables for…
Self Care and Stress Management: Foundation for Sanity and Health!
Self care and stress management go hand in hand to provide a strong foundation for not only our health but our peace of mind, and emotional well-being. Effective approaches to managing stress help keep us sane and healthy. Healthy self care begins with self awareness and continues with effective practices for stress management. We all…
Shift Into the Flow of Grace, Love and Life
“Though we have been told we are and must be a noun, in truth we are a restless verb, a process in a process, born into tragedy and grace with unimagined potential.” Stephen Levine, Unattended Sorrow Settling into your heart helps to shift awareness from experiencing yourself as a noun to experiencing yourself as a…
Why Self- Care is So Necessary: An Inside Story
Letting Go of Self CareIt is easy to let life take hold and not find time for self-care practices. I know I struggle with this a lot! Then I remember the very real benefits of a deep self-care practice and the downside of NOT practicing. The reality is we don’t have time not to since…
5 Ways to Begin to Be Your Own Best Friend
Being a friend to your SELF is no mere metaphor or purely sentimental idea. It is the basis of all relationships, because it is a fundamental recognition of soul.” Thomas Moore 1. Listen to how you speak to yourself Turn up the volume on your self-talk. Become aware of the voices in your head. Let go…