Tag: New Age
Letting Go of the Past to Move Forward
Letting go of the past with all its attendant feelings clears the way for change and the new to flow into our lives. Setting intentions or resolutions for the New Year often overlooks the importance of some introspection re: what we need or want to release that can easily trip up the best of intentions.…
Energy Vibration: Thought and Feeling–What You Aren’t Conscious of Hurts
Dr. Tiller has contributed much to our understanding of the unseen forces in our universe and our relationship to it all. Two of the most important pieces he has added to the puzzle of reality formation are: 1. The most effective results occur when intention is combined with coherence. 2. We need to develop our…
Subtle Energy Flow is the Basis for Love, Safety and Security
We must attend to both our human and spiritual natures to be whole, healthy and happy
Self Awareness as a Path to Happiness, Success in Work and Love
It has often been said that “knowledge is power,” and nowhere is that truer than when we are speaking about ourselves and the lives we create. Self-knowledge includes understanding how we work as human beings as well as how we have personally operated up until now to construct our lives.
Letting Go of Beliefs and Blocks to Success, Health and Happiness
Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to change, or why you seem compelled to repeat behaviors that are not in your best interests or confused about why you feel what you do? The answers lie within our mind-body-spirit (energetic) imprinting.
5 Questions to Help Discover the Tap Roots of Stress
Developing an individualized approach to self care—one based on your individual needs is most effective to remove the tap roots of stress. Having a well thought out plan for stress management and reduction builds resiliency and develops the inner resources necessary to navigate challenges, change and uncertainty with ease. Questions to help you discover the…