Tag: Manipura
Chakras, Creativity and Change: How Can Your Energy Help Ease the Way?
Consciously embracing how energy moves through our systems related to the creative process lifts us out of old default patterns that bring stress, conflict and lots of what we don’t want.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power, Courage and Change Part 1
Energy for change The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are governed by the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a major player in your capacity to change yourself and your situation in life.
Chakras Unplugged Workshop April 2, 2016 in Wilton, NH
Living from an energetic perspective is a process and a goal…at best it is a feeling of seamless flow, a sense of being centered in your heart, deeply in touch with soul qualities of beauty, peace and wholeness.
Balance Intellect and Intuition
Healthy Intuition: Balance Intellect and Intuition Healthy intuition requires a balance with intellect for stability.
Is Your Throat Chakra Blocked?
Here are some questions from our Chakra/Energy Assessment Questionnaire that will help you assess the state of your throat chakra. The higher the number of YES answers the greater the imbalance. Next posts we will look at the characteristics of a balanced throat chakra along with some strategies you can use. [caption id=”” align=”alignleft” width=”300″…
Enter the Flow of Pleasure Reduce Stress
Entering the Flow of Pleasure Reduces Stress and Creates Happiness and Abundance!