Tag: inspiration
5 Questions to Help Put the Energy of Gratitude in Your Life
Gratitude is a feeling strongly associated with vibrational shifts that help generate abundance, prosperity, health, and love in our lives. We have written about gratitude a fair amount on this blog€¦you can find posts in the archives under the category€â€Gratitude! In the meantime here are some questions to help you assess the role of gratitude…
What Message Are You Sending?
We each have an energetic signature. What affects what that signature “looks” like and more importantly how does it affect your life?
Cosmic Do-Over: Notes to Myself in the Darkness
This short post contains reminders for those dark discouraging moments when our energy feels lost.
One Simple Step to Health, Happiness and Conscious Creation.
There are of course many things we can do to positively impact our health, happiness and creativity. One very simple tool ..