Tag: Higher consciousness
Expanded consciousness and perception contributes to wholeness and health
Trauma separates us from our wholeness…from the essence of our Being. When we are in our wholeness we experience more flow states. RAISING CONSCIOUSNESS: EGO VERSUS HIGHER SELFWhen we operate from higher consciousness rather than from ego,we experience more flow and less resistance. Being able to notice theflow experience and differentiate it from resistance states…
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Secret to Personal Power
Cultivate positive Solar Plexus Energy to develop strength of an Uncommon Kind
7 Tips for Developing Sharper Intuition
Our intuition is a great ally in every area of our lives. It can be of enormous help both at home and work. It can help you make better choices/decisions, improve relationships, enhance your spiritual connection, open up greater creativity and in general make life more enjoyable, exciting and happy![caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" class="zemanta-img"] Intuition…
Intention: moving beyond ego into higher consciousness and creativity
To be able to truly move beyond the ego, the lower mind with its average thinking process, into the realm of pure awareness or higher consciousness, requires detachment from the compelling vibrations of lower thought and feeling forms. Working with your energy centers: clearing, balancing and uplifting your energetic frequency allows you to both move…
Energy Depletion and Holiday Stress
Negative thoughts and feeling states are common and profound sources of energy depletion and exhaustion. It is an area where we have ultimate control, but we need awareness, willingness to take responsibility, and tools to transform or release these debilitating patterns. It is easy to become focused on external remedies to our conflicts and problems…
Goals and Hidden Obstacles to Their Achievement
Hidden Obstacles to Achieving Your Goals Part of the human journey through this life is to set sights on goals, to grow and develop and become all that we can be. In spite of these intentions, we often hit obstacles that surprise as well as prevent us from achieving what we desire. An important but…