Tag: Health

  • What is Your Energetic Blueprint (Soul-Print)?

    We each have our own energetic imprint. This means many things of course, but it is one aspect that is often overlooked when working with energy. We each are truly unique and have our own “soulprint”. One way of viewing that is …

  • Are Your Chakras Blocked?

    Are Your Chakras Blocked?

    This article discusses the various ways chakras become damaged. [caption id="attachment_13241" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • How can you clear and strengthen your energy field?

    How can you clear and strengthen your energy field?

    The Aura Mind-Body-Spirit Connection The human aura can be thought of as your primary immune system in that it is a primary way that you experience and interact with your environment. This is unconscious in most cases but nevertheless real. The human aura is made up varying frequencies that clairvoyants see as color. You do…

  • A Simple Technique to Keep Stress at Bay

    A Simple Technique to Keep Stress at Bay

    A Simple Shift of Attitude Keeps Stress Away The Institute of HeartMath has discovered that consciousness is enhanced, stress is reduced and health is improved with a simple technique that uses a heart focus to dispel troublesome emotions. The technique is called Attitude Breathing. This method helps to synchronize body, mind and spirit and provides…

  • Creating a Happy Healthy Heart

    Creating a Happy Healthy Heart

    Healthy Heart Connection For centuries the heart has been connected with the emotions of love, gratitude and compassion. It has also been associated with courage, wisdom and spirituality. Research in the field of neurocardiology has found that not only are these feeling states experienced by the heart, but they also have a very stabilizing and…

  • How Does Deep Self care Help in Times of Change ?

    How Does Deep Self care Help in Times of Change ?

    Change, Transformation and Stress What a week (month/year!) this past one has been! It seems that the pace of life along with the pressure of change not only is not letting up but is accelerating and along with it emotional tensions run high. Anger, fear, frustration and stress are all quite natural responses to the…